Mental Health
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Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD)
What is Treatment Resistant Depression?
Depression is one of the most common medical conditions in the world. It involves symptoms such as:
Low or depressed mood
Anhedonia (decreased interest in activities that normally bring satisfaction)
Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
Fatigue and lack of energy
Changes in appetite
Difficulty sleeping
Difficulty concentrating
Suicidal thoughts or hopelessness
Treatment resistant depression is defined as depression that has not responded to therapy with 2 or more adequate medications or the side-effects of the therapy are intolerable. Sometimes medications were effective but are no longer adequate to treat your symptoms. We encourage you to consult with your regular mental health provider to ensure you have tried treatments they have available. Many patients have tried multiple therapies and medications and combinations of both and still don’t have the relief they want.
There are several components that contribute to depression including genetics, environment, nutrition, substance abuse, personal history of traumatic events and side-effects of other medications.
How does Treatment Resistant Depression affect me?
Depression can have an enormous impact on your life. Low energy, poor sleep, depressed mood, poor concentration and heavy burdens for anyone trying to accomplish day to day activities. It will impact your work and career. It will also impact your personal relationships. It is a significant contributor to disability world-wide.
What treatments does ReGen offer to help with Treatment Resistant Depression?
ReGen Advanced Infusions offers ketamine infusions to treat TRD. We also offer hormone replacement therapy to address specific hormonal and nutritional deficiencies that contribute to depression.
ReGen Advanced Infusions coordinates with Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapists (KAP) for those patients who would like additional help with their depression.
ReGen Advanced Infusions does not diagnose or treat depression and treatment resistant depression with non-ketamine therapies.
Contact us for a consultation.
Contact us for a consultation.
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
What is Post-traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is due to the long lasting effects of negative experiences people have endured. Our brains come with an embedded warning system to look for threats and safety. When functioning properly, this warning system helps us avoid danger and seek safety. Powerful negative experiences (trauma) alter how our system works and we have a tough time seeing things in our lives as anything but a threat. The trauma we experienced becomes so embedded, we tend to experience it over and over again even long after the experience is not currently part of our lives.
How does Post-traumatic Stress Disorder affect me?
PTSD is a debilitating condition. It can be the cause of poor decision making, avoiding relationships, uncontrolled outbursts of emotion and even flashbacks. This can make it difficult to tackle day to day activities and is closely linked to substance abuse, depression and anxiety.
What treatments does ReGen offer to help with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder?
Ketamine infusions and ketamine assisted psychotherapy are two therapies we offer to help those with PTSD. Our therapists are trained specifically in dealing with life’s issues while patients are receiving ketamine infusions. We provide a safe, comfortable environment to help patients overcome and heal from their past.
What are the risks of not getting Post-traumatic Stress Disorder treated?
PTSD doesn’t go away on its own. It takes hard work and effort on your part. Untreated PTSD may lead to life-long decisions and choices that are incongruent with peaceful, thriving life-styles.
Contact us for a consultation.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by persistent and excessive worry and distress which intrudes into daily activities. The normal fight/flight response of the autonomic nervous system no longer is controlled by normal methods and can be triggered with minimal or no discernible inciting factor. GAD can initiate physical symptoms in addition to feelings of worry and angst such as chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness and fainting.
How does Generalized Anxiety Disorder affect me?
GAD can have a huge impact on daily life. Normal situations can turn into traumatic events. Some people start avoiding situations because they fear they will have an anxiety reaction. It can make relationships, work and recreation difficult.
What treatments does ReGen offer to help with Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
ReGen Infusions offers ketamine and ketamine assisted psychotherapy as adjunct treatments to regular anxiety treatments. We also offer hormone replacement therapy which can address hormone imbalances and nutritional deficiencies that may be contributing to your anxiety.
Contact us for a consultation.
10% off for Veterans and First Responders
What is Alcohol Addiction and other Addictions?
A person is addicted to alcohol when their body has obtained a physiologic need for the substance due to constant exposure. Other addictions produce cravings, miserable withdrawal syndromes and compulsions. Addiction is a complex condition that has psychologic, physical and social components making it extremely difficult to overcome. Because the disease is so complex, the treatment is also complex and requires multiple avenues of treatment and support.
How does Addiction affect me?
Addictions ruin relationships, rob people of their free-agency, and lead to financial, social and medical dysfunction. Your body becomes physically addicted to some substances, making it uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening, when trying to stop. Substances and addictions alter the way you think and behave. It interferes with your judgement. At the extreme, it will strip you of your ability to function in society.
What treatments does ReGen offer to help with Addiction?
Tackling addictions requires multiple lines of treatment. These can include counselling, support systems, daily medications and ketamine infusions. At ReGen, we offer ketamine infusions for addiction as well as GLP-1 inhibitors. Studies have shown a significant increase in alcohol sobriety for patients who received ketamine infusions when combined with regular treatments for alcohol addiction. GLP-1 inhibitors decrease cravings which is a component of all addictions. Their use is being studied for addictions and is showing positive results.