Musculoskeletal Conditions

Your musculoskeletal system consists of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves, and blood vessels. They work together to create a magnificent machine that allows us to move your body to accomplish the tasks of daily life and more. The musculoskeletal system is constantly building up and breaking itself down in an attempt to maximize its function. Traumatic injuries, chronic over-use injuries, auto-immune disorders, and mind-body syndromes can all affect the musculoskeletal system.

What are joints and why do they hurt?

Joints are the point of contact between two or more bones in the body. Most joints have a degree of motion, but some are static (non-moving). Moving joints are a dynamic system (constant building and breakdown of the different tissues of the joints) of cells that organize cushioning, lubrication, strength, and healing. Joint pain stems from different types of dysfunction in this complex system, which can include autoimmune disorders (the body’s immune system attacks itself), repetitive use injuries, traumatic injuries, and infections. When the system is disrupted, the normal cycle of building and breakdown becomes out of balance due to inflammation. Once initiated, inflammation can lead to tissue destruction or inadequate/inappropriate rebuilding.

How does joint pain affect me?

Anyone who moves knows that pain in a single joint can greatly impact our ability to perform the tasks we need to accomplish. The joints that take the largest burden of movement: shoulders, hips, and knees, tend to be the most troublesome when it comes to pain, but many other joints can be involved.

What treatments does ReGen offer for joint pain?

Depending on the cause of the joint pain, different treatments are available. We offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) injections, medicinal signaling cell (MSC or stem cells) injections, and viscosity supplementation injections. Ketamine infusions can also support patients with chronic, diffuse pain that may involve the joints.

Contact us for a consultation.

Acute joint, muscle and soft tissue injuries

What causes acute joint, muscle, and soft tissue injuries?

The musculoskeletal system is subject to traumatic injuries due to the strain we place on it by working and playing. When the tissues get damaged by being pushed beyond their natural limits, the structural integrity of the tissues is compromised, and your body initiates a cascade of processes that includes several phases: hemostasis (stopping the bleed), inflammation, proliferation (growing the proper tissues) and remodeling (strengthening and maximizing the new tissue). All tissue injury involves damage to cells. When cells are damaged, their inner contents are exposed to the extracellular environment, and they signal adjacent cells that there has been an injury. Different cells respond differently to the signal. Repair cells are attracted to the signal and start their specific jobs relating to the repair. Those same signals hit your nerves, sending the signal to your brain to notify it of the cell damage. This signal is usually interpreted as pain.

Unfortunately, the repair process doesn’t always perform optimally and can lead to dysfunction, scars, and perpetual inflammation. This can start a cycle of continued dysfunction and inflammation, leading to chronic pains and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, myalgias, chronic pain conditions, muscle weakness, and nerve damage. Your body generally does the best it can with the tools it has, but these processes produce pain. 

ReGen offers treatments for the acute phase of musculoskeletal injuries that include peptides to help stimulate the correct cells to perform their proper function and provide the necessary building blocks your body needs to repair damaged tissue. A2M and PRP therapies involve taking your body’s natural healing materials, concentrating them, and injecting them into the areas that need healing.  Message Signaling Cells (MSCs) can provide strong support for you as your body starts healing by helping your cells understand how to heal. We also offer a range of peptides and supplements to assist wound healing.

Back pain and Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)?

Your spine is made up of several bones called vertebrae. These bones are stacked upon each other and are connected by ligaments. Muscles attach to the bones by tendons, and the entire system works to create a strong, flexible, and dynamic organ. Between each vertebra, there is a flexible cushion called a disc that helps each vertebra move smoothly in relation to the adjacent vertebrae. As we age and live life, these discs age, become less flexible, get damaged, and become lumpy. When this happens, we call it degenerative disc disease (DDD). This causes pain and stiffness and can sometimes lead to pinching of nerves and even the spinal cord. Other causes of back pain can be from tears, sprains, or fractures of different parts of the spinal column and adjacent muscles and connective tissue.

How does Back Pain and DDD affect me?

Back pain can be extremely debilitating. Moving any part of your body without engaging your back in some way is nearly impossible. Back pain and DDD can make life and work unbearable and play impossible. As these diseases progress, they can lead to muscle weakness, nerve damage, and even disability.

What treatments does ReGen offer for Back pain and DDD?

Depending on the cause of the back pain, different treatments are available. We offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) injections, and MSCs (stem cells) injections. Ketamine infusions can also support patients with chronic, diffuse pain that may involve the back. Some types of back pain are secondary to hormone, electrolyte, or vitamin deficiencies. We offer analysis and treatment for many deficiencies.


Contact us for a consultation. 480.341.5174